
macher / maker

the man behind HARREL

Harald Dannert is the headman behind Harrel-RacingStandard.

His plastics processing company has been manufacturing components for various branches of industry for decades, especially for the automotive industry. High precision and profound knowledge of the material are required. Harald Dannert quickly realized that a pure plastic race track would not meet his requirements. With the decision for a wood, plastic, and metal hybrid, the challenge now lies in the matching of the materials to each other.

After almost 14 years, the time has come. Harrel-RacingStandard is about to be ready for series production. The tools for the production of large quantities are ready. First, consistently positive resonances in the relevant social media state out clearly: time is ready for Harrel-RacingStandard.

Plastic is the core competence of the company behind HARREL-RacingStandard. PKKT-Kunststofftechnik has been producing plastic parts by injection moulding since the 1950s. This means to know the possibilities of this material. To build a stable, resilient, modular and functional SlotCar track like a Harrel-RS goes beyond the limits of the material. It is for good reason that many SlotCar clubs use wooden tracks when things get serious.

HARREL-RS connects both worlds. Parts that have to withstand an increased wear are made of glass ball reinforced plastic. This makes them break-proof and reliable. Harrel RS modules take the load off loosely when it comes to  assembly and disassembly of the street. Without any damage.


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